Individual presentation
Individual paper presentations will consist of a 20-minute talk followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Please note: individual presentation submissions should present either complete research, or research in progress where at least some substantial results have been achieved. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words including references. To submit your proposal, use the form below.
Panel presentation
Panel proposals on a specific topic are welcome. The panel organizer(s) should submit an abstract of maximum 500 words using the form below with a brief description of the theme of the panel and the list of contributors and title of papers included. Panels can include between 4 and 8 participants.
Each participant to the panels will be required to submit their own abstract (maximum 300 words including references) using the form below and specifying the title of the panel in which they are included in the dedicated space.
To submit your abstract fill in this form.
Please, remember to specify in the form whether you will be attending the conference in person or online.
Accepted participants will be required to submit an exteded (1000-word) version of the abstract at a later stage; this will allow us to put together and publish a Book of Abstracts with an ISBN.